Track & Cross Country
Boys Lacrosse
Girls Lacrosse
 Contact Wrestling Director - Kane Pruitt

2024 Fall/Winter Wrestling - Click Here to Register 


First youth practice is usually mid November at the Byrnes High School Wrestling room.  Practice will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with Fridays being a 6th grade only practice.  Practice will be 6:00-7:30 and we would like to have a parent meeting during/after the practice. 

Registration Opens October 1 

I will have a link soon for youth to be able to purchase their own singlets and warm ups if they want them. 

Reminder that wrestlers will need their own shoes and headgear this season but it is ok if they do not have them yet! 

All wrestlers should have wrestling shoes on and be ready to start no later than 6:00


Boys and Girls 1st - 6th Grade


Practices will generally be in the Byrnes Wrestling Room (Located inside Schofield Gymnasium behind the left stands). Depending on the varsity wrestling schedule, we may have to swith to a different night occasionally.  We will let you know in advance.  Also, when there are home basketball games, parents will not be allowed into the gymnasium unless they pay admission to see the basketball game.  A coach will be available to bring wrestlers into the wrestling room on those dates.  

Last practice of regular season ends around February 1.

Cost is $60 and includes NUWAY membership (required for all youth wrestlers in SC).

All wrestlers must purchase wrestling shoes.**  These are available and inexpensive at Academy and online.  Headgear is optional.

Wrestlers practice and compete in athletic shorts and t-shirt.  Singlets are optional and can be ordered separately.

We plan to host several matches during Byrnes varsity home and away matches.  We also have several clubs that have agreed to Saturday meets.  There are also tournamets that we will selectively attend.  The entire Tournament schedule will be posted and you will be able to use your NUWAY membership to register for any tournaments on your own regardless if we attend them as a team.

**Wrestling shoes are mandatory for sanitary reasons.  Please keep yours clean and do not wear them outside of the wrestling room.

Wrestling Rules and Information
    * Neutral Position - Neither wrestler has control of the other.  Usually standing.  Wrestler scores by getting a takedown.
    * Top Position - Wrestler has control of his opponent and has "taken his back" or has gotten behind bottom wrestler.  Wrestler gains top position by either takedown or reversal.  Once in Top position, Wrestler looks to earn back points or pin opponent.
    * Bottom Position - Wrestler has been taken down and is under or in front of the top wrestler.  Bottom Wrestler looks to score by escape or reversal. 


    * Takedown (2 points): A wrestler is awarded two points for a takedown when, from the neutral position, he gains control by taking the other wrestler down to the mat and getting his back.

    * Escape (1 point): Bottom wrestler is awarded one point for an escape when he gets complete separation from Top wrestler.

    * Reversal (2 points): Bottom wrestler is awarded two points for a reversal when he comes from the bottom and takes opponents back without first getting an escape. 

    * Near fall: Near fall or "back points" are awarded when the bottom wrestler's shoulders or scapulae, or the head, is touching the mat, and the other shoulder or scapula is held at an angle of 45 degrees or less to the mat.
        (2 points): Two points are given when near fall criteria are met for two to four seconds.
        (3 points): Three points are given when near fall criteria are met for five seconds or more. After five seconds, the referee awards three points and stops counting.

1.  At the start of practice every Tuesdayy we will announce the tournaments available.
2.  Parents interested should fill out the tournament flier (available on the web).
3.  pay for each entry ($TBA per weight class entered) and we will write it in the receipt book.
4.  At the end of practice, wrestlers will line up according to the receipt order.
5.  We will weigh each wrestler and write the weight classes on the receipt.
6.  We will then hand the parent the duplicate receipt so that you will know what weight classes your wrestler is in.


1. Never wear wrestling shoes outside the building. Wrestlers should wear slides or sandals until they are inside the building.

2. Never wear street shoes on the mat. This applies to parents and wrestlers. Coaches may wear street shoes that have been cleaned.

3. Go home and shower thoroughly IMMEDIATELY after practice. 

4. Do not wear the same practice clothes until they have been laundered.

5. Keep wrestling shoes and headgear clean by wiping them with a 10:1 solution of water and bleach.


Byrnes VARSITY Wrestling Schedule

Come see a match and watch the big guys!  



Parent Code of Conduct 
Parents - Please note that D5SAC and D5Rebels is a private organization that is not affiliated with District 5 Schools. We reserve the right to deny participation to any parent or player for any reason. If you as a parent, misbehave in any way during a D5Rebels event, we reserve the right to permanently suspend your participation including the participation of your children.  We have permanently banned parents and players for disrespectful behavior towards staff, officials and other players. Sportsmanship is mandatory. Failure to abide by the parent code of conduct will result in your child being denied participation. Officials and coaches make mistakes all the time. They are human and most are volunteering their time. Cheer FOR the kids and keep it positive. Leave the coaching to the coaches! If you're not qualified nor willing to donate your time to make it better, then please keep the negative comments and actions to yourself. We are not the MLB, NBA or NFL.  We are volunteers for games played by CHILDREN.  Keep it in perspective.
Additionally, Parents agree to abide to the terms and rules listed below:
• All practices and games are mandatory.  Arriving on time to practices as well as 30 minutes before the game start is crucial for success of the team.
• An excused absence or tardiness must be communicated to the coach by a parent/guardian as soon as possible.
 Any unexcused absence in the week leading up to a game will automatically disqualify an athlete from participating in the game.
• Social media will not be used to bully, harass or misrepresent a fellow athlete, either on the team or anyone within the D5Rebels program per South Carolina Law 59-63-120.